AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Friday, September 21, 2007

A Very Interesting Commentary

If you had been listening to the Noon Business Hour over station WBBM today, you would have heard comments coming from Mr. Craig Smith, President of Swiss America Trading Corp..

Now what he had to say is strictly his opinion, but I believe it is well worth paying attention to his comments. Mr. Smith pulled no punches when he said that, "We are definitely going to have a recession in this country followed by a period of very high inflation."

And I would like to recommend that you check out SWISS AMERICA in our "Links" section to read other interesting articles by Mr. Smith. When you go to the Home Page at SWISS AMERICA, click on the "EDUCATION" button on the banner at the top of the page, then Click on "Craig's Articles" and be certain to pay particular attention to his article entitled, "In Whose Numbers Do You Trust?"

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