AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Friday, September 21, 2007

Where To Invest During A Recession

At our meeting last evening the subject of RECESSION was mentioned, and someone asked about where we should be invested during times of recession. I didn't have the answer to that question at the time, but now I do.

In my own personal investment library at home I have a book (long since out of print) and written in 1970, by the late investment advisor, Harry Browne. The book title is, "How You Can Profit From The Coming Devaluation."

Obviously, this book was somewhat ahead of its time but now seems to be quite current, what with "Helicopter Ben" being in control over at the Fed!

The book covers a whole slew of investments along with recommendations as to whether a particular investment type is either Very Good, Good, Break-Even, Risky, Very Bad, or simply Uncertain.

In times of RECESSION, no investment type is rated as "Very Good," and only two investments are considered to be "Good" - and these include Gold Stocks and Short Selling.

Gold bullion is considered as "Break-Even" during a RECESSION, while Gold Coins are considered to be a "BAD" investment during recessionary times.

Other investment categories considered to be "Break-Even" during a RECESSION include: Bonds, Cash & Savings Accounts, Gold Bullion, Life Insurance, Mortgages, and Swiss Francs.

Other investment categories considered to be "BAD" to own during a RECESSION include: Commodities, Diamonds and other Gems, Gold Coins, Income Real Estate, Raw Land, Residential Real Estate, Silver Bullion, Silver Coins, Silver Stocks, as well as Stocks, ETFs and Mutual Funds.

Hopefully this will answer the question from last evening's meeting and also provide us with a stimulating topic for our next get-together on October 18th.

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