AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Sunday, September 09, 2007

NEXT MEETING: Thursday - September 20, 2007

This month we have a very special guest speaker, Mr. Matt Shapiro, President of MWS Capital. The title of his talk: "The Joker Effect - Preparing for Risk in Today's Marketplace."

Matt will also have some new stock-pick recommendations, and I'm interested to see whether he does as well on his stock recommendations this time around as he did earlier this year in March, when he was my guest speaker at the Chicago Chapter meeting in downtown Chicago.

NOTE: Lest you forget, at our meeting last month I proposed that you come to this month's meeting and give me your prediction on where the Dow will finish the year on December 31, 2007. The person who comes the closest to the correct year-ending number will win a free year's membership for 2008!

If we have any time left after our speaker finishes, we can devote that to discussing our new portfolio study.

We meet at DePaul University, located at 150 West Warrenville Road in Naperville, Illinois. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM and ends at 9:00 PM. The room number will be posted on the easel standing near the reception desk in the main lobby.

Our meetings are held twelve (12) times a year, normally on the third Thursday of each month. Membership is a modest $15.00 per year, and anyone who shares our interest is talking and learning about investing is always welcome. You need not be a member of AAII in order to attend. [NOTE: our membership fee covers the annual donation to DePaul for providing us the excellent meeting facility, as well as for incidental printing expenses when we publish free handouts at various times during the year.]

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