AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Selling Without A Broker

Did you know that you can sell stock that you own without using a broker? That way, you can save the money that you would normally spend for the sales commission.

The procedure for transferring ownership of stock is not all that difficult. First, sign the back of your stock certificate and have your bank guarantee your signature. That is to protect you against forgeries. Then, fill in the new owner's full name, as well as his or her Social Security number and address. Next, get the name and address of the transfer agent of the company in which you own stock. This should be available at the company's web site. Finally, send the stock certificate by registered mail to the transfer agent. Also attach a letter explaining that you are selling the shares. The transfer agent then will issue a new certificate in the new owner's name... And what is the charge for this service?... Nothing at all.

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