AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Zurich Axioms

First of all, I want to thank those of you who have expressed an interest in learning more about The Zurich Axioms. And while I said that I would put them up here on the WeBlog, I'm afraid that this will not be possible. There is a problem in that this material has been copyrighted and therefore I cannot publish it over this very public medium.

However, there is an alternative which is to do as I did in April, 2003 when we made The Zurich Axioms the topic for our meeting that month. So what I will do is to put together a synopsis of the twelve Major Axioms and 16 Minor Axioms in the form of a handout, and we will make this available to everyone who attends our next meeting in August, when we'll discuss the essence of these Axioms in greater detail.

The book that these Axioms came from was published in 1985, and is now out of print and no longer available from places like Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.

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