AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

NEXT MEETING: Thursday - August 18, 2005

This month as promised, we will devote the entire meeting to an in-depth presentation based upon The Zurich Axioms. These are both the Major and Minor principles that have guided the fabled "Gnomes of Zurich" to make tiny Switzerland become the repository for more than one-third of all the world's wealth!

Some of these Axioms will clash with things that we have all been taught in the "one-size-fits-all" school of investor education. But once you understand, you will then be able to see why such things as diversification are not necessarily the best thing for you to do as an investor. As a matter of fact, the Zurich Axioms will show you three reasons why diversification can be a very bad thing to ever do with your investment capital.

We will also have a specially prepared syllabus to pass out to everyone who attends, and this will highlight all 12 Major and 16 Minor Axioms so that you can further study these principles at your leisure.


We meet at DePaul University's Naperville Campus, located at 150 West Warrenville Road in Naperville, Illinois. The room number will be posted on the easel that stands near the reception desk in the main lobby.

Meetings begin at 7:00 P.M. and end promptly at 9:00 P.M.. These meetings are open to anyone who shares our interest in learning more about investments and investing. We do have a yearly membership fee of $15 to help defray the costs of maintaining a group such as this. And non-members may attend for a donation of $5.00 per meeting.

In September, we will resume our Fall Speaker Series.

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