AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Sunday, March 20, 2005

A Very Useful Web Site

I just added EdgarScan to our list of Links. You will find this Web site to be a gold mine for investors who like to dig deep into financial ratios. And besides that, it's an excellent place to begin your company research.

EdgarScan accesses company filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR computers and scans them for key financial tables. It standardizes the financial data so that you can easily find the numbers you need in order to compare values among companies. And on this Web site you can also view tables of financial data with links to the EDGAR filings containing the original figures.

You can also download the standardized data for a company as an Excel spreadsheet that contains columns for each 10-Q and 10-K filing for up to the past 13 years. If you want to weed out less desirable companies before you download data, the EdgarScan site has a java applet for graphing data called the Benchmarking Assistant. This is a very handy tool for spotting trends in values from financial statements.

EdgarScan also provides links to individual SEC filings. These links are grouped under the headings: Recent Filings; Quarterly Filings; and Other Filings. When you click one of the links, you're led to a page that allows you to view the filings by section. You can also download the entire filing as a text file, HTML file or Rich Text File that produces a nicely formatted file in most word processing applications.

And because the SEC form types do not have the most comprehensible names, there is a link at the bottom of the initial company page called "Glossary of Form Types" which you can click-on in order to read their descriptions.

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