AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Saturday, March 19, 2005

How To Widen Your Investment Horizon!

This past week we had two very interesting events occur. First of all, our own West Suburban Sub-Group meeting last Thursday, with special guest speaker Mr. Jim Henderson of Mast Investment Advisors in Northfield, IL.

The main focus of this talk was about Indexing in general and ETFs in particular. If you were there in attendance then you gained some very valuable information!

This morning (Saturday) the Chicago Chapter of AAII also held a very interesting meeting which focused on International investing, Global investing, and Emerging Markets investing. Once again there was some inportant as well as very valuable information presented.

I point up these two meetings in order to encourage you to participate in future presentations as you generally always come away with ideas and information that can make your small investment in time pay large future dividends!


Looking ahead to our own upcoming meetings, next month in April, our speaker will come to us from the Options Institute and he will conduct an "entry level" presentation on options. So this will be your opportunity to learn about options - in case you have never really considered this aspect of investing - and this will also help to set the stage for the next step in your options education which we hope to present in the Fall of the year.

For our meeting during the month of May, our speaker will be a vice-president of Barrington Research in Chicago, and he will give us an "insider's view" of just how market analysts and those who make their living by rating and evaluating stocks do what it is that they do!

We'll have further details as the respective meeting dates come due.

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