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Monday, March 14, 2005

Chuck Carlson's Latest Market Commentary

Our friend Chuck Carlson writes a weekly Market Commentary, and in the latest edition he is very bullish on the stock market - at least for the next six months.

He cites the fact that the stock market is one of the 10 factors that comprise the index of leading economic indicators, and it is the best of the 10 in his view.

Carlson further points out the reason that the stock market is so good at predicting the future is that the stock market is all about future expectations. Stock prices trade today based on what the collective investor populace believes will happen in the future.

Chuck feels that what investors should be looking at is to see if the economy's fortunes are about to change, and the best place to spot that is by watching the stock market.

Finally, Carlson ends his commentary by saying: "Specifically, I would hate to see the Dow Jones Industrial Average fall below the 9700 level. That would not only be bearish for stocks but also for the economy."

So there you have it, and Chuck Carlson has been fairly well on target with his observations over the years so I would pay attention to what he says above!

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