AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Monday, May 01, 2006


When I began this Blog in 2004, I was determined to stick with the subject of investments and never allow politics or other topics to surface here. But today, I received an e-mail that really raised my blood pressure. It shows very clearly the contempt and disrespect that the illegal mexicans (Note: small "m" is intentional!) have for this great country of ours. And since you won't be seeing this photo in your CONTROLLED press, nor will any of our spineless fork-tongued politicians of either political party address this insult to our flag that took place at the Whittier High School in "The Peoples Republic of California" - I now post this disgusting photo for everyone to see what these ungrateful peons from south of the border really think of our great Nation.


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