AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Monday, May 01, 2006

Your House Is Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Are you aware that your house, car, or boat can be convicted of a crime? The entire concept sounds absurd, but it's absolutely true. If a crime is committed on your property, then the police (or the government) can seize it - whether that property is a house, czr, boat, or anything else you own. They can also empty your bank account, if they can prove that even one U.S. dollar has been earned through illegal means.

Get this: it doesn't matter whether you committed or are even suspected of these crimes, because only your property "is guilty." Sound unfair? Well, it's called civil forfeiture. It's been happening since the U.S. was founded nearly 230 years ago, and in 80% of civil forfeiture cases, the property owner is never convicted of a crime, but that still doesn't stop the police or the federal government from confiscating their property.

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