AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Your Personal Mission Statement

You should be aware of the fact that every company in which you might invest runs its operations based upon a mission statement that keeps it focused on those objectives it wants to achieve as its business goals.

People need mission statements as well - especially individual investors. Why? To help you identify what's important and what you value most in your life. That way, you'll focus your efforts on those things that you really want for your financial goals.

If you ever read the mission statements of those companies you really admire, over and over again you'd notice that the same few qualities keep topping the list:

* a dream
* determination
* discipline

These are the same qualities that you can use to become a successful investor!

Strange as it may seem, committing words to paper has a way of turning thoughts into action. And it doesn't matter whether your mission statement is one line, one paragraph, or one page. What really does matter is just how serious, and how prepared you are in order to reach your goals.

Writing a personal mission statement helps you keep going in the right direction. And you create your personal mission statement by spending some time thinking about your current situation, then imagining where you would like to be financially in one year, five years, or even more years from now. But you must be both specific and realistic in what you plan.

In order to achieve your dreams, it's very important that you write your goals down, and then post them in a place where you can refer to them often, because by so doing, they will serve you as a constant reminder and help you to stay focused on those investing goals that you really want to achieve!

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