AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Monday, February 21, 2005

Doing Your Own Investment Research

You can stay on top of the latest business and economic developments by going to the Web site of the Institute of Supply Management at: www.napm.org (listed in our "Links" section).

If you go this site, click on "ISA Report on Business." Then click on "Latest Manufacturing ROB." This will give you a large amount of data based on monthly surveys of 400 manufacturers.

This site offers a wealth of information on broad economic as well as specific industry trends. For example, you can see that the PMI for January (56.4%) indicates that the economy is growing at a 5% annual pace. Also, you can easily find out if a particular industry is growing or contracting... and why.

So if you're the kind of investor who enjoys doing your own research, this Web site will make your task much easier!

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