AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Friday, October 19, 2007



Inflation is a thing of the past. It hasn't been a problem since the 1970s.

Three words: Don't believe it.

Despite pronouncements from "experts" as well as government numbers manipulators that tell us inflation has been permanently whipped, the real numbers indicate that the Consumer Price Index is being spun for political purposes. No, in fact, the CPI is pure fiction!

How else can you describe an inflation-measuring index that fails to include the full prices of food, energy and homes - and contains hidden deceptions that enable politicians in our government to say that the $2,000 laptop you just purchased really cost you only $1,000, despite the $2,000 charge on your credit card statement?

As an investor, you MUST know how your income stacks up against real price increases - and make adjustments when inflation erodes the buying power of your income. Because all these rising costs play a critical role in your investing plan!

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