AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Improving Your Investment Odds

A remarkable study recently revealed that a clear 90% of the population in North America reads at a grade seven level. That's because we learn to read by the time we have reached grade seven and never improve our reading ability from that point on. Shocking, isn't it?

Well it is not only shocking, it's a shame. But what is even worse, is that this lack of personal development goes well beyond reading. Most people do whatever they do in much the same manner. There are very few people who master anything - be they managers, lawyers, accountants, and yes, individual investors!

There really is no competition when it comes to improving your odds as an investor. To be sure, there are many out there making a noise, but only a few souls are making any serious effort to actually study the craft of investing or perfect it. After all, how many Warren Buffett or Peter Lynch types can you name?

One way to improve your investment performance is to begin to seriously study what you are doing for a short time every day, knowing that you can always perform better. Work toward a specific result well beyond your present level of performance.

Just one hour of concentrated study each day adds up to nine forty-hour weeks in one short year. Think of how much more you would know about investing in five, ten, or twenty years - if you adopted this plan!

When you begin to study investing, you will learn this great secret of achievement: If you want more, you must know more; and to know more, you must study.

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