AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Sunday, June 25, 2006

REAL Money Is Inflation-Proof

If you can remember back to the time when gasoline sold for 25-cents per gallon, then we now know two facts about you: 1) You are older than most other people, and 2) you were living when our dollar was backed by REAL money, in the form of real silver!

Guess what? That same amount of silver still buys 4-gallons of gas in today's world - which just goes to prove that REAL money like gold and silver holds its value, while it is the green paper money that is now worth a lot less!

When you really think about it, you must realize the fact that food, gasoline, and almost everything else has NOT gotten more expensive. It only seems that way because the value of the green paper money is worth less and less, and so it takes more and more of it to buy the same amount of goods and services.

Most people think that prices have gone up, but in reality, it is the value of the U.S. dollar that has actually gone down. And it is the Federal Reserve that creates inflation whenever it issues U.S. dollars which are backed by government debt.

Since 1913, when "The Creature From Jekyll Island" (aka, The Federal Reserve) came into being, your money has lost 96% of its purchasing power due to inflation. The more "money" the Federal Reserve creates - the less your Federal Reserve "money" will buy.

It took 88 years - from 1913 to 2001 - for the national debt to grow to $6 trillion. It took just three more years - 2001 to 2004 - to grow to $7 trillion; and just one more year to get to $8 trillion. The acceleration of the national debt is alarming. The corresponding loss of your purchasing power may also accelerate in the near future.

Each and every Federal Reserve Note is backed by nothing more than our national debt. Thus, when you hold a Federal Reserve Note, you own debt that you will eventually have to repay. And whenever you give a Federal Reserve Note to someone as payment, that person now has debt. Ouch!

Here's something to think about... If someone gave you a choice between a stack of ordinary ten-dollar bills (Federal Reserve Notes) and a stack of ten-dollar bills that were printed on the back with a coupon for 5 gallons of gasoline, redeemable at any gas station in the country, which would you choose?

The first stack is just dollar bills. The second stack is also dollar bills, or if gas prices go up, you can use the back of the bills to fill your tank. So you'd have to be crazy to take that first stack!

Well interestingly enough, there is now something available that works in much the same way as "stack 2" described above. These are known as, "Liberty Dollars" - which are backed by both gold and silver - and you can learn more about them by clicking on "Liberty Dollars" in our "Links" listing.

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