AAII - West Suburban Sub-Group in Naperville, IL . . . Newsletter & Information Blog

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Opportunity Investment - The New Way To Get Rich Rapidly

This new way is catching on all-around the world. People are compounding money rapidly for themselves. It's called "Opportunity Investment," and it has nothing whatever to do with the traditional ways of investing such as stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares.

This is hands on. And the entire premise is based on compounding, and becoming the "investor source."

It's a fact: Whenever we hand over our funds to the so-called "professionals" to do the investing for us, we actually dilute our returns dramatically. It makes sense if you really think about it. The real reason? Because the so-called professional money managers have neither the interest nor incentive to manufacture returns any better than perhaps 10% - if you're lucky!

"Opportunity Investment" is a term that describes the process of taking responsibility for your own funds, and thereby becoming your own "investor source."
What this means is that you determine by your own daily actions and decisions what your returns will be.

There is a book written to better explain the process: "The Inside Trade Secrets to an Ethical Opportunity Investor" - by author Hayden Muller.

The idea is to identify "investment objects" that are endowed with "excess intrinsic value." Then by recognizing profit where others do not, we thus place ourselves into position to access this unseen stored portable value, and transform it into profits which we then can pyramid and compound into a rapid fortune.

The process is really not new; it has been the pathway that all high net worth individuals have used for hundreds of years. What is new, however, is the way that it is packaged as a book and disclosed freely to all who choose to recognize its worth.

You can learn more about this by visiting the Opportunity Investor Website which you can find in our "Links" listing.

NOTE: This is not an endorsement for the book, but merely a means to inform you about an interesting approach to investing that merits further investigation. As always, caveat emptor!

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