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Saturday, June 18, 2005

This Week In Barron's

The June 20 edition of Barron's is out and contains several very interesting articles. The Midyear Roundtable appears in this edition and twelve noted investment minds give us their views on what we can expect during the second half of the year.

Then if you have been ogling Google, you should read the article on page 30 entitled, "Google's Value? Search Me!" This article highlights the fact that Google's stock ascent into the stratosphere has left even the most ardent bulls agog. But as the price soars, so does the risk.

One of Google's many unique business practices is its flat-out refusal to provide Wall Street with any help on how to model the company's future financial performance. Google offers no quarterly or annual earnings guidance and declines to give any details on the direction the business might take in the months and years ahead. As a result, making forecasts about the company's profits, and stock price, involve inherent peril.

...Well that's just a taste of what the article has to say about Google. So if you're interested in reading further then you might pick up a copy of the current Barron's.

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